Roy Vazquez, Jr.
A rare brain injury leaves an 11 year old paralyzed. His family needs your help!
On a late Saturday night around midnight August 18, 2013, eleven year old Roy Vazquez Jr. was in his room playing video games. Roy’s parents reported that they heard Roy scream out in agonizing pain. They rushed into his room to find Roy crying, grasping his head in pain saying that his brain was hurting. His parents immediately called 911 and took him to emergency room. After doing a brain scan, the doctors returned to tell Roy’s parents that he had suffered an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) rupture. Prior to this, Roy was a healthy young boy with no real health issues or previous illnesses besides Von Willebrands Disease, which caused him chronic nose bleeds since Roy was two years old.

M&J Helping Hands is helping the Vazquez family find donations to get Roy a Wheelchair Accessible Van, so that they can get to his appointments
Est. Cost $39.000 to $60,000